Formation is about the development and growth of the whole person so that, as Paulo Freire puts it, when we know and act we do so with our ‘entire body, with feelings, with passion, and also with reason.’ (Pedagogy of the Heart, p.30)

This wholeness implies being mindful in all we do; being grounded in our values, thoughtful in our scholarship and reflexive in our practice.  The development of academic practice is therefore about much more than training in learning and teaching or research; it is about ‘living [our] educational theories’, exploring our own academic identity, being and becoming better and more self-aware scholars in all we do.

The Academic Practice Unit will therefore promote and support activities which help us jointly develop and reflect on our academic practices in the light of theory but also in the light of our shared values.

Newman University is justly proud of its record in widening the horizons of generations of students, many from backgrounds new to Higher Education, helping them see and achieve their potential as graduates and active citizens.  This has been achieved through a deep commitment to social justice and equality, respect and integrity, community and collegiality, inclusivity and valuing diversity.

The Academic Practice Unit seeks to build on these values through ongoing engagement in the pedagogy of partnership, to work with all members of the University to develop our academic practices in ways which live our values and proclaim our commitment to the transformative power of education.

For further information please contact:

Dr John Peters
Head of Academic Practice

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
Nelson Mandela

Academic Practice

The Pedagogy of Partnership

Academic Practice

2023 º£½ÇÉçÇø